So.... a bad update from me. On day 28KM I tore my miniscus. I do love that word but I hate my miniscus. I cannot run for more than 10K without coming home in terrible pain. So I've been going to rehab for it with my brand spanking new Personal Trainer. I bought a whole whack of training hours for obscene dough and now I have 8 days to decide if I want to stick it out. I think I will, because so far everyone I know who has used a trainer has become super-hot in a short amount of time. I need to learn how to use the weights properly and have someone force me into working on my core muscles.
I hate working on my core.
So much.
But part of the reason I injured myself was that I was doing too much cardio and not enough weights. My weight training was so limited that my knee could no longer handle the pressure and gave out. So my PT is going to whip my ass into a total package while rehabbing my knee. I can't even touch my right toes without a blast of pain, it's bad.
Expect more posts as I get more into this or die trying! I suppose there won't be posts if I die so hope for the best!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Personal Training? Too Expensive or Hardcore 'gonna bust my ass'
Posted at
3:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Gliding = Pain
Quick Recap of the past month: my 30-day NO SUGAR bootcamp was a huge success! I lost a total of 14lbs in 30 days for a grand total of 20lbs lost since beginning my Skinny Jeans quest. I am now a VERY comfortable size 10 - in fact my size 10 Tek Pants that I paid $150 for at Club Monaco are now TOO BIG and I have to get them taken in. I also have a pair of the same pants in a size 12 but we won't even discuss those since they make me look like M.C Hammer.
Since my bootcamp I have definitely been indulging in some sugary treats and some foods that I should have thought twice about. But I haven't gained anything back and I am still holding strong at 160lbs and looking to lose more :) This brings us to my new Goal: to not jiggle anymore. I figured that I was focusing on numbers too much and numbers don't mean a whole lot anyway. So I am going to focus on my new rock hard body :)
The new fall Goodlife schedule has been released and there is a NEW BOOTCAMP! Namely, it is the Gliding bootcamp. Everyone knows how obsessed I am with bootcamps... so like a good little obsessive compulsive freak I took the afternoon off work so I could go. Firstly, I want to complain about the time of the bootcamp: Friday @ 1:00pm. Seriously? I have to rearrange my whole work week just to fit this in. However, it was well worth the late evenings on Wednesday and Thursday.
Gliding uses these 2 little discs on your feet or on your hands and pretty much you use them to slide into crazy positions and then you have to use all of your muscles to glide back into the starting position without falling flat on your face. It is FABULOUS! 45 minutes of pure hell - and I loved every minute of it. Even the crazy push ups that made me want to cry. Apparently this is the new workout that they are using in the army.
When I tried to get up this morning to go to Attack @ 10:30 I was shocked to find that I was unable to move my body. Every inch of my back is currently on fire. I cannot open my arms to give Evan a hug. My butt feels like it has been violated on several different levels. I can't wait for next Friday :)
- Brianne
Posted at
10:19 a.m.
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Jeans Bit Back
Time for confessions. I have not been obeying the rules of the SJC. I have been eating out, drinking too much, and not exercising. Last Friday I tried to wear my skinny jeans to work (deluding myself that they still fit) and ended up with massive gastrointestinal pains because they were so tight. Needless to say I was on the treadmill on Saturday, albeit only for 20 minutes. Hopefully the experience (and the fact that I'm bridesmaiding in less than a month) will motivate me to change my ways!
- Jess
Posted at
10:31 p.m.