I spend most of my lunch hours running along the canal in Ottawa, so it’s very hard to get me into the gym on a gorgeous day. Since Friday is one of my days-off running and I still wanted to be outside, I went with some coworkers to the park to hula hoop in the sunshine. Sarah, our resident expert hula hooper and the lovely lady who constructed and gave me my first hoop, even taught us some new moves. It was so much fun! Even though hula-ing doesn’t make you sweat like Body Step or make your muscles shake like Body Pump, it sure beats eating Chinese take-out in your cubicle!
sarah should join skinny jeans
Hi ladies! Sorry for my absence of late... I was busy consuming copius amounts of booze and food during Stampede and San Fran... So a perfect time to motived by OSJ! Sounds like everyone is doing awesome!
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