I tried to go for a run on Sunday - after about 5 minutes I was so exhausted from the heat that I made a final executive decision. I jumped in my car and went down to the Dartmouth Sportsplex and bought myself a one year membership. As it turns out the membership wasn't that expensive - and it comes with a lot of amenities. Including a huge blast of A/C.
The concierge told me that the summer schedule is very light and then mentioned a kickboxing class that starts in the fall. My hopes are high. There is also Zumba which I swore I wasn't going to do but it might be my only current option. Currently I am sticking to the cardio machines and weights. My only complaint so far is that the weight area is full of 20-something men who hog all of the equipment and look at me funny when I ask how long they will be on the weighted squats bar. Like a woman can't squat 100lbs.. sheesh.
The best part about my membership is the access to the rink and the pool - along with the steam and sauna rooms. Oh and let's not forget the all-access pass to the Pirate's Cove:
A total of 4 water slides - all with varying lengths and heights. Apparently it's "the bomb" and as an adult I will NOT be frowned upon for doing a cannonball when the green one spits me out 10 feet above the water.
Now THAT is what I call a good ending to a workout! Woot!
The A/C is a must! I tried to run outside on the weekend and had to dust off my membership for the priviledge to run on the treadmill in A/C.
Amazing score with the waterslides! Tell me if you see John Corbet in there.
the treadmills at my gym are amazing - they aren't the usual moving track they are actually slats that move and they are harder than what I am used to.... I am really enjoying them and I haven't gotten shin splints at all from it.
My goal is 25k per week - 5k per gym visit. Followed by a super slide down the Pirate's Cove ;)
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