Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Move Over, Hot Yoga

Last evening, during the first year anniversary of our house, I decided it was a good idea to DDR it up. To the Max!

Oh the Humidity! When we bought the house, the agent didn't tell me that it came with a built-in Hawt DDR studio. I was very impressed to learn I have such a studio but also with the heat and humidity that it was able to achieve. DDR says I burned 214 calories, but I feel it was more like 400+ due to the Hawt DDR Studio.

So, all those raving about Hot Yoga, I challenge you to try Hawt DDR.


ps. As a total random 'going on in Halifax' thing.... John Corbett is in town shooting a movie!


Brianne said...

I will definitely challenge you on the DDR mat!

Anonymous said...

I've never tried DDR. I shall have to!

Allison said...

Post pics of your hawt DDR studio!